How Long Do Delta 8 Gummies Stay In Your System

25th Apr 2023

How Long Do Delta 8 Gummies Stay In Your System

Delta-8 THC, one of the newest cannabinoid products currently on the market, is Delta-8 THC. Its similarity to Delta-9 THC, also known as THC, makes it popular. Some states have laws that prohibit the use of THC, while technically, it is legal to get high on Delta-8 THC.

There is still debate about whether Delta-8 THC is legal. Experts argue that Delta-8 THC, a synthetic THC, is legal and subject to the same restrictions.

Many employers will still look for Delta-8 THC during drug tests to determine if there is a reason for disciplinary action. This debate prompts people to ask, "How long does Delta-8 THC remain in your system?"

What is the Legal Status of Delta-8?

Delta-9 THC is illegal in most states. The compound responsible for the high found in marijuana is Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol or Delta-9 THC. Inhaling or ingesting the combination can cause euphoria, sedation, and pain relief.

Although it is very similar to Delta-9 THC in chemical structure, Delta-8 THC produces a different effect. Delta-8 THC is more likely to cause anxiety and paranoia than Delta-9, creating a more subtle and balanced high. It is also not illegal because hemp only contains trace amounts.

Note: All Cannabis Sativa plants containing 0.3% or less THC are federally legal according to the 2018 Farm Bill.

Is Delta-8 Detectable On A Drug Test?

Delta-8, just like Delta-9 THC, will leave cannabinoids behind for as long as a week. It can last up to a week if you're a regular user. The amount of time these metabolites stay in your body depends on many factors, such as your metabolism, body type, and frequency of use.

Employers and government agencies may find the long-term presence or absence of Delta-8 to be detrimental. This could pose a problem if drug testing is performed.

Delta-8 THC Edibles

You can find edibles in cookies, brownies, chocolate, and other products. Gummies are the most popular. The effects of cannabinoids, when taken orally, will take between 30 and 90 minutes and last for around four to five hours.

Delta-8 THC is also available in capsules and drinks. Your body must first digest the substance once it is ingested. The time it takes for the compound to be absorbed by your body will determine how long it takes. Because liquids are easier to grip, beverages may take less time to produce results.

How Long Does Delta-8-Thc Stay In Your System?

The effects of Delta-8 THC can last up to five hours after the body has absorbed it. This doesn't mean the compound has been eliminated from your body once its effects wear off.

You will still have THC metabolites from Delta-8 THC, regardless of the form you take, for at most a week.

Studies show that the body can flush out 80-90% of THC in five days. The 10-20% remaining may remain for five days before being completely flushed out.

Many other factors can affect how long it stays in your body. Your metabolism and body weight will also have an impact. Your body's ability to eliminate metabolites is also affected by how many you take. The longer it takes for your body to eliminate metabolites from Delta-8 products, the greater the effect.

What Type of Drug Test Is Used to Determine How Long Delta-8 Remains in Your System?

Different drug tests have different levels, so some can detect trace amounts of THC. Let's talk about each type of drug test and how long Delta-8 will likely stay in your system.

Hair Follicle Test

The hair follicle drug test is the hardest to pass. Trace amounts of Delta-8 THC can be found in your hair after circulating in the system. It can take up to three months for the delta-8 THC to become detectable because hair grows slowly.

The procedure involves removing hair from the head and analyzing it for drug use. Hair follicles can detect drugs up to 90 days after testing. This type of test is more reliable than a urine test but is not required by law.

Urine Test

The most commonly used test for THC detection is the urine test. The test can detect THC metabolites for up to three days for first-time users. Regular users can have the test detect THC metabolites between 5-10 days after they take Delta-8 THC. Avoiding THC products for at least ten days before a drug test is best.

According to some sources, THC can still be found in urine up to 48 hours after the user has stopped using it. These results can vary from one person to the next.

Saliva Test

Saliva drug testing can detect saliva cannabinoids for up to 29 days. It all depends on how frequently you use Delta-8 THC products. For one to three days, it can see cannabinoids from occasional users. It can see cannabinoids for up to 29 days for chronic users. If you're pulled over suddenly on the highway and have to submit to a drug test, you will usually fail this type of test.

Blood Test

Blood testing can detect Delta-8 THC for as long as two days after the last intake. You may be able to see it even after 25 days, particularly for chronic and heavy users.

The compound is detected in the bloodstream within seconds after being inhaled as a gas. It can stay in your body for several days because it is distributed throughout your cells. To determine if you have used cannabis products in the past, blood testing is used.

Urine Test

This is the most commonly used type of drug test for marijuana users. The frequency with which you use marijuana will affect the results of a urine test.

  • 3 days for occasional users (less than once per week)
  • Moderate users (4-5x a week): 5-7 Days
  • Heavy users (daily): 10-15 days
  • Chronic users (multiple times per day): 30 days or more

Metabolites are fat-soluble substances that can bind to fat cells in your body and are called fat-soluble compounds. It can take some time before the body can get rid of them.

Visit Our Website Today

Drip Cannabinoids' Delta 8 gummies are a perfect choice. Our delicious gummies are made with high-quality Delta 8 THC extract and come in mouth-watering flavors. Order your Delta 8 gummies today and start enjoying the benefits of this fantastic product. Its delicious flavors and convenient format make it the perfect way to incorporate Delta 8 THC into your daily routine. Order now and experience the ultimate in taste, convenience, and effectiveness!