Indica vs. Sativa – What’s The Difference?

10th Jan 2023

Indica vs. Sativa – What’s The Difference?

Sativa vs. Indica

You may come across terms such as cannabis strains, Sativa, or Indica, depending on how deep you dig into the world of hemp. We know a lot about this powerful plant. Let us help you to make informed choices about your health and wellness. Because of the differences in the chemical makeup, the Indica and Sativa effects are different. In the next section, we'll explore these differences more deeply. Do you want to know which strains work best for you? Continue reading to find out more.

We'll be addressing some of these topics in this article:

  • Indica vs. Sativa: What is the difference?
  • Indica effects
  • Sativa effects
  • You can find different parts of the hemp plant, including other cannabinoids or terpenes.
  • Common Indica vs Sativa strains
  • Choosing between Indica vs Sativa edibles

Most people associate indica with couchlock, while sativa is more about support. However, this is not always true. Everybody's body chemistry may be different. While some indica strains can be uplifting, others may cause anxiety.

There is no right or wrong way to consume different strains. Understanding the differences between indica and sativa will help you approach the plant more holistically. It may surprise you to learn that these terms do not determine the effects. The cannabinoid makeup, and terpenes, are what determine the strain's effects. This is true, but stereotypes about different strains are there for a reason.

Continue reading to find out more about the indica vs. Sativa effects.

What are They?

Indica and sativa refer to the various types of cannabis plants. Traditional hemp plants can be found in different regions of Europe and Central Asia. Geographic barriers such as the Himalayan Mountains made it possible for two populations of hemp plants to thrive -- indica and sativa.

This narrow definition of cannabis and hemp is misleading as products that contain cannabidiol or any other hemp-derived product is also derived from the same strain. These are often lumped together under the "industrial hemp" category. Indica vs. Sativa is an attempt to organize the many different strains, ranging from Maui Wowie to Hindu Kush.

Let's now learn a bit more about the origins and uses of these varieties of hemp.

What are the various cannabinoids?

To determine how a strain may affect your body, the cannabinoid profile is where it's at. Which strain is more effective for pain relief: Indica or Sativa? It all depends on the cannabinoid profile as well as the terpenes which might be helpful in interacting with different pain receptors within the body.

These are the most well-known hemp plant compounds:

  • Tetrahydrocannabinol
  • Cannabidiol

There are many other phytocannabinoids, such as CBG and CBN. We will be focusing on THC, cannabidiol, and CBG today because they provide the most information. While more studies have been done on cannabidiol and less on the effects of THC thanks to its legality, we're most curious about tetrahydrocannabinol, especially delta-8 THC. Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, which is delta-9 THC, is legal for 0.3% dry weight. However, delta-8 has been shown to be smoother and less psychoactive than delta-9. Delta-8 is legal in all 50 states.

Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol is safe. The benefits of D8 tetrahydrocannabinol outweigh all cons. If you are new to this plant compound, and even if not, we recommend that you start small and increase your serving size to see how your body reacts. Because of considerations such as genetics, metabolism and what you eat, how much you eat, how often you eat, etc., different serving sizes will work for different people.

Is delta-8 detected in a drug test? It depends on the test, but delta-8 can be detected in a drug test. These tests look for THC-COOH, which is a metabolite. It would be considered a false positive if you fail a drug test after consuming delta-8. This is because it's not illegal federally.

What are Terpenes?

Terpenes can be described as aromatic oils in various plants. Terpenes are what you get when essential oils are purchased. Terpenes are what you will smell when you rub the raw plant between your fingers. Terpenes are the scent that you inhale. They are a scent, but this is not all they do. Terpenes were created to attract pollinators and repel predators. They are affected by weather, geography, soil types, and time of day.

Different terpenes may have different effects. Some can promote relaxation while others can improve the clarity of thought. These are some of the most popular cannabis terpenes:

  • Myrcene - Herbal (like hops, lemongrass, mango)
  • Caryophyllene-Pepper (like black peppers, cinnamon, cloves, and cloves).
  • Pinene - Pine (like basil, pine needles, rosemary)
  • Limonene – Citrus (like juniper and peppermint)
  • Terpinolene – fruity (like tea tree, nutmeg, and lilac)

Many of these terpenes are thought to have support properties. To create the Entourage Effect, more research is needed to determine how these terpenes interact with other cannabinoids in your body. Terpenes are able to act in one direction, but then they will shift as they mix with other hemp compounds.

There are over 150 terpenes in hemp plants. The list is so long! The terpenes found in hemp are a major reason to consume full-spectrum and broad-spectrum extracts. They will have all the beneficial terpenes, rather than being removed during extraction.

What is the Indica vs. Sativa hybrid?

You may have come across hybrids while out shopping for hemp-derived products. The hybrid is a cross-breeding of the Indica and Sativa leaf strains. This gives you a hybrid variety. To truly understand the type of experience you can expect, it is important to examine both the cannabinoid and terpene profiles. This can be time-consuming so do your research before you go.

Sativa vs. Indica for Pain and Delivery Method

There are many ways to consume delta-8. What exactly is delta-8? Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol, a form of THC, is legal in most states and is psychoactive. It is found in very small quantities in hemp plants. Premium producers of delta-8 make it by oxidation, which converts delta-9 THC into delta-8.

Delta-8 products should be considered premium brands. This can be done by checking third-party lab testing and following good manufacturing practices. You can be sure that the product you receive is exactly what it says on the package. It also conforms to federal regulations regarding the maximum amount of delta-9 allowed in hemp-derived products.

It's important to know the pros and cons of each delivery method if you are looking to buy delta-8 or any other hemp-related products. Here are the top four delivery options for this powerful plant.


There are many options for edibles. You can find gummies and capsules with hempy goodness. Because edibles are processed through the liver, they tend to last longer in the body. The process of getting the plant compounds into the bloodstream takes longer, but they stay there for a smoother experience.

The activation time of edibles can vary from 30 minutes to more than 2 hours depending on how they're processed. It might take longer to activate delta-8 Gummies 400mg if you have just finished eating a large meal. For activation to take place, your metabolism, body chemistry, and serving size are all important.

It can be dropped under your tongue.

Tinctures or oils are another popular delivery method. They can provide powerful Indica and Sativa effects. Tinctures are liquids that come in a glass bottle. The dropper allows you to measure how much you need. The liquid is put into your mouth, usually under your tongue. When the liquid lands in your mouth, it begins to absorb it through your membranes.

This delivery method activates between 10 and 15 minutes, up to 30 minutes. Although it is faster than edibles, it can take longer to activate because it enters the bloodstream. You can find tinctures that are both broad-spectrum or full-spectrum, and also tinctures that contain other terpenes. This gives it a more appealing flavor profile for people who don't like the taste of hemp.


Because it goes directly to the lungs, inhalation is the fastest way to activate it because it gets into the bloodstream. You can take small hits of vapor to "sip" on hemp if you need something discreet. Inhaling may be the best option for you if you are looking for instant relief. This is a very popular way to consume marijuana, but it also has the longest life span. You are the only one who can choose which delivery method is best for you.

It can be used externally.

Topical and other hemp-derived products such as delta-8 are gaining popularity. Delta-8 benefits can be enjoyed by anyone, not just those who consume it. Topical products can be in the form of lotions, salves, and ointments. Simply rub the products onto your skin, wherever you like. It can be soothing for sore muscles or a relaxing ritual to start or end your day.

The largest organ in the body is the skin. It can absorb plant compounds in its own unique way. It may not be able to get you high but it does work some magic. More research is required to determine the effects of plant compounds on the skin and body, as well as how they are absorbed into the skin.

Each delivery method -- tinctures and inhalation, topicals, delta-8 edibles -- has its own benefits. It is possible to enjoy each of these options and decide which one suits you best. You never know what you might like! They might all be your favorites for different reasons.

Choose between Indica and Sativa

It's now time to decide between Indica and Sativa. With delta-8 and other hemp-derived substances, delivery methods and strength go hand in hand. How much you take will affect how much your body absorbs. Bioavailability is the term used to describe the amount your body can absorb and use. It depends on the way the plant compounds were delivered and the quality and quantity of the product.

We have some tips to make the selection between Indica and Sativa easier.

  • Start small. Good luck if you are the "go big or go home" type. If you are new to hemp-derived products, we recommend that you try smaller amounts and "strengths" first. It's impossible to predict how your body will react to the plant compounds so you should start with positive experiences.
  • Think about why you choose to take it in the first place. The Indica vs. Sativa Leaf doesn't really matter much, as it's only the cannabinoid profile and terpene profile that matters. Pay attention to the terpene profile as it can influence how your body reacts with the plant compounds. If you are looking for a lighter and more enjoyable experience, the same applies. You can experiment with different strains, delivery methods, strengths, and other factors to discover what works best in your situation.
  • Premium products are always preferred. With most things in life, you get what you pay for. It doesn't necessarily mean that the most expensive item is the best. Premium is about doing your research to identify quality brands that adhere to transparency and compliance. Is the Certificate of Analysis available that reveals exactly what the product contains? It should. Is it possible to research the company and find out what its manufacturing processes are? Although it may take some time to find the right brand for you, it is well worth it. We promise.

Consuming delta-8 products is exciting because it is so open-ended. It's all about trying new things and finding what works for your needs. Because we are all unique individuals, this is not a one-size fits all world.

The Takeaway

It can be difficult to shop for Indica or Sativa products. This is due to the popularity of cross-breeding these strains. We recommend that you first understand the differences between Indica and Sativa, and then choose your products based on the third-party lab results. This should be the minimum requirement for any hemp products that are purchased. DRIP Cannabinoids offers premium Delta-8 products. You can order delta-8 today and have them delivered right to your doorstep!